A fruitful relationship thanks to our annual seminars with our producers

Consistently with its strategic orientation and its mission and values, Boudjebel wishes to preserve fruitful and lasting relationships with its suppliers. Indeed, and for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders of the date industry, the company makes a point of staying close to and listening to its producers.
Every year, we meet with farmers of the production areas in the south of Tunisia. This annual event is an opportunity to observe each other’s apprehensions, understand their issues and ensure mutual and proactive listening to current concerns. However, this meeting remains, like our relationship with our farmers, friendly and warm. All around a good typical meal and small gifts distributed to the participants.
A habit which, in recent years, has created an atmosphere of mutual trust. On the one hand, Boudjebel can count on everyone’s commitment to a continuous quest for the dates quality. On the other hand, farmers rely on Boudjebel to ensure their integration into the heart of the sector and the improvement of their working conditions, and ultimately, of life.
The stakes are high: The challenge of international competitiveness, both in terms of price and quality, can only be negotiated by involving all the links in the Supply Chain. It is essential to empower the least players, to make them aware of the increasingly demanding conditions of export and to upgrade them for a rapid achievement of common objectives (in quantity and value).
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting has become entirely virtual in order to guarantee healthy and safe conditions for all. Thus, on three different sites, Kébili and Tozeur in the south and Béni Khalled in the north, the various stakeholders meet in small groups, around a digital platform in order to exchange and communicate their points of view.